Lube Media – the voice of the European Lubricants Industry

The Lube portfolio – including print, digital, web, social media and events – offers a European perspective on the global lubrication industry.  Lube media works in conjunction with Lube magazine and the European Lubrication Industry Directory (ELID).

Industry News

  • Richard Camper of HASCO Oil becomes ILMA President

    Richard Camper, executive vice president of Hasco Oil and Pacific Precision Formulators in Vernon, California, today assumed the presidency of the Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association (ILMA). He succeeds Catharine T. Golden, CEO of Etna Products Inc. The transition took place…

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Digital Exclusives

  • A sweeping study on Carbon Intensity scores

    Carbon intensity scores are pivotal for quantifying the climate-related activities of companies. These scores, established by entities such as the Department of Energy, measure the…

  • Embarking on the generative AI journey

    What key words come to mind when thinking about artificial intelligence (AI), namely: automation, creativity, cybersecurity, data, disruption, ethics, innovation, opportunity, productivity, strategy, transparency? Colin…