Welcome to ELID, the European Lubricants Industry Directory, and official directory of the UKLA and UEIL.

ELID brings together information on base stock producers/suppliers, suppliers of additives/raw materials, lubricant stockists/distributors, suppliers of services and goods – plus trade bodies and Institutes/Societies.

ELID is a valuable and easy-to-use reference tool that provides a simple and effective route to information on lubricants businesses as well as associated goods and services across the globe.

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Premium Enhanced Listings

Company Activity Country
DYM Resources GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier, Trade body Germany
Emery Oleochemicals GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Germany
EMIRATES REFINERY LLC Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier United Arab Emirates
IPAC Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United States
KLK OLEO Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier Malaysia
Münzing Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United States
ROWE MINERALÖLWERK GMBH Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
SHAMA INTERNATIONAL (FZC) Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier United Arab Emirates
Top Polymers FZC Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier, Raw material supplier United Arab Emirates

Premium Listings

Company Activity Country
A&S International Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Training United Kingdom
Additive Technical Committee - ATC Trade body Belgium
Asociacion Espanola de Lubricantes - ASELUBE Trade body Spain
Association Technique de L'Industrie Europeene des Lubrifiants - ATIEL Trade body Belgium
Atlantic Grease & Lubricants UK Ltd Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Manufacturer, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Bapco Refining Base Stock Manufacturer Bahrain
Biosynthetic Technologies Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer United States
British Candlemakers Federation - BCF Trade body United Kingdom
British Council - BC Trade body United Kingdom
British Fluid Power Association - BFPA Trade body United Kingdom
British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) Institute / society, Trade body United Kingdom
Bundesverband Altöl EV - BVA Trade body Germany
Cargill Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier United Kingdom
Cefic AISBL Trade body Belgium
Chambre Syndicale Nationale de L'Industrie des Lubriants - CSNIL Trade body France
Chemical Business Association - CBA Trade body United Kingdom
Chemical Industries Association - CIA Trade body United Kingdom
CONCAWE Trade body Belgium
Confederation of British Industry - CBI Trade body United Kingdom
Consorzio Obbligatorio Degli Oli Usati - COOU Trade body Italy
essenscia Trade body Belgium
European Lubricating Grease Institute - ELGI Trade body Netherlands
European Petrochemical Association - EPCA Trade body Belgium
EUROpia Trade body Belgium
Federchimica Gruppo Aziende Independenti Lubrificanti - GAIL Trade body Italy
Freight Transport Association Trade body United Kingdom
Gauge & Toolmakers Association - GTMA Trade body United Kingdom
GD Group Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Trade body Lithuania
Groupement Europeen de l'Industrie de la Regeneration - GEIR Trade body Belgium
Independent Union of the European Lubricants Industry - UEIL Trade body Belgium
Infineum Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
K.D.R. International D.O.O. Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier Slovenia
Kalpesh International Pte Ltd Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier, Grease Manf, Lubricant company, Raw material supplier Singapore
Lubricants Association Belgium - LAB Trade body Belgium
Lubrichem Trade body Romania
Manufacturing Technologies Association - MTA Trade body United Kingdom
Master Fluid Solutions WDG GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Matrix Specialty Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Netherlands
Oil Recycling Association - ORA Trade body United Kingdom
Penthol SA Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier Switzerland
Peter Greven GmbH & Co. KG Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base Stock Manufacturer, Raw material supplier Germany
Petroyag Assoc. goods & services, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Marketing Turkey
Polish Organisation of Oil Industry and Trade - POPIHN Trade body Poland
Rianlon GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Road Haulage Association - RHA Trade body United Kingdom
SBZ Corporation Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company United Kingdom
SIP Limited Additive Supplier, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Marketer, Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Smith & Allan Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited - SMMT Trade body United Kingdom
Tank Storage Association - TSA Trade body United Kingdom
The Manufacturers Association - EEF Trade body United Kingdom
The Royal Warrant Holders Association Trade body United Kingdom
UK & Ireland Fuel Distributors Association (UKIFDA) Trade body United Kingdom
UK Petroleum Industry Association Ltd - UKpia Trade body United Kingdom
Union Francaise des Industries Petrolieres - UFIP Trade body France
Unione Petrolifera - UP Trade body Italy
United Kingdom Lubricants Association - UKLA Trade body United Kingdom
UNITI Trade body Germany
Verband Schmierstoff-Industrie E-V - VSI Trade body Germany
Vereniging Smeerolienondernemingen Nederland - VSN Trade body Netherlands
Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd - VLS Trade body United Kingdom

Basic Listings

Company Activity Country
2000 Sanctions Oil Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Hungary
AAK - AaarhausKarlshamn Sweden AB Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Sweden
Aakon Polichimica SRL Raw material supplier Italy
Abanaki (UK) Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
ABN Resource Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Recruitment United Kingdom
AC Oils Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Accor Lubrifiants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Accu-Lube Manufacturing GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
ACEITES LUBRICANTES SASH, S.L Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Achaean Lubricants SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Acheson Colloids Europe Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Acheson Industries Deutschland Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Acma France Oleosynthese Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Acmos Chemie KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
ACOL Smeermiddelen Center BVBA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
Actichem Raw material supplier France
Activ8 Lubricants Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Activate Lubricants Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Addinol Lube Oil GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Additiv-Chemie Luers GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
ADECO doo Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Serbia
Adeka Europe GmbH Additive company, Additive Supplier Germany
Adelphi Masterfil Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Adipro International Corp Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier United Kingdom
ADLU Consultancy Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy United Kingdom
AEGEAN OIL S.A Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Greece
AES Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Affolter Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Afton Chemical France Additive company, Additive Supplier France
Afton Chemical GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Afton Chemical Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Poland
Afton Chemical Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Afton Chemical SPRL Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Belgium
AG Rohrl GmbH & Co Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Agip France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Agip Petroli Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Agip Romania SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
Agip Suisse Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Agricultural Engineers Association - AEA Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
AGRINOL Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Ukraine
AGSM Environmental Maintenance Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
AH International SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Denmark
Aiglon SAS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
AKZO Nobel Chemical SpA Raw material supplier Italy
Albion Chemicals Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Albrecht & Willy Torrekens Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
ALCO Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Raw material supplier, Re-refiner Azerbaijan
Aldinet AS Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Estonia
Alentec Orion Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Alfa Chemicals Additive Supplier, Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Alfa Laval Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Alfons Wittrock OEL GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Alkallis Brasil Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Brazil
Alliance Oil Company Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Allube Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Alpeco Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
AlterEvo Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy, Engineering United Kingdom
Altis Chemicals Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Serbia
Altöle FJ Schultz GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Aluchem SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Amalie Petroquimica SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
AN BA LUB Andreas Hesse KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Anderol Europe BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Netherlands
Anonima Petroli Italiana SpA - API Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Anton Paar GmbH Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Antwerp Lion Oil Works NV Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
AP Chemicals NV - Belgium Raw material supplier Belgium
Apalene Technology Co. Ltd Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier China
API Raff Ancona Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Aral Lubricants Austria Gmbh Nfg Ohg Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Austria
Arcon AS Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Norway
Argus Media Assoc. goods & services, Data Services United Kingdom
Arizona Chemical Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Netherlands
Arizona Chemical Raw material supplier Germany
Armorine Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer France
Arxada Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Asbury Carbons Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Assoc. goods & services, Raw material supplier Netherlands
Ashland ISP Techwax Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Ashland Nederland BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Assalub AB Assoc. goods & services Sweden
Association of British Mining Equipment Cos - ABMEC Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Association of British Offshore Industries - ABOI Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Association of Industrial Laser Users - AILU Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Astracar PE Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Ukraine
Astris SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Asynt Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Atak Lubricants Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Turkey
Atlas Tanks Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
ATOFINA Raw material supplier France
ATS Electrolube (UK) Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
aurorium Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
AUTOMATITZACIÓ I CONTROL ROVIRA SL Assoc. goods & services, Equipment Manufacturer Spain
Aversana Petroli SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Italy
Avia Mineraloele Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Avia Portugal Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Portugal
Aviloil Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Avinoil SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
AVISTA OIL Refining & Trading Deutschland GmbH Base stock company, Re-refiner Germany
Avostar Imex SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Romania
Axel Christiernsson BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Axel Christiernsson International AB Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Sweden
AxxonOil srl Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Azelis UK Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Azmol Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Ukraine
Aztec Oils Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
B&N Baseoils Limited Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier United Kingdom
B&N Oil Chemicals vof Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Netherlands
Bantleon AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Baraldi Lubrificanti SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Barton Petroleum Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Base Oil Market Assoc. goods & services Netherlands
BASF plc Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer United Kingdom
BASF SE Raw material supplier Germany
Basile Petroli SPA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Bates and Hunt Petroleum Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Bathan AG Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Baufeld - Mineralölraffinerie Duisburg GmbH & Co KG Base stock company, Re-refiner Germany
Baufeld - Mineralölraffinerie GmbH Chemnitz Base stock company, Re-refiner Germany
Baufeld - Oel GmbH Base stock company, Re-refiner Germany
Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Baytouch Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Bel Ray Europe Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Bel Ray Europe SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Belco Motor Oil NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Belgium Oil 99 ShA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Albania
Bellini SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Bergoil Italiana SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Beroil NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Beta Oils Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
BfB Oil Research Assoc. goods & services, Institute / society Belgium
Binol Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Sweden
Biodeterioration Control Associates Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy
Biona JersÍn, Sro Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Czech Republic
Biotor Raw material supplier Germany
Blackburn Chemicals Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Blaser Swisslube AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Blaser Swisslube CZ sro Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Czech Republic
Block Schmierstoff GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Boedal Ltd Additive company, Additive Supplier United Kingdom
Boie GmbH & Co. KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Bollfilter UK Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Bondis Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Bouts NV Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
BP Castrol Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
BP Castrol Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
BP Castrol Global Lubricants Technology Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
BP France - Castrol France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
BP Germany AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
BP Italia SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
BP Lubricants Europe Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
BP Marine & Energy Lubricants Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
BP Oil Espana SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Brad-Chem Ltd Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier United Kingdom
BRB International BV Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Netherlands
Brenntag Schweizerhall Ltd Assoc. goods & services Switzerland
Brenntag Spécialités Assoc. goods & services France
Brenntag UK Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Brit-Lube Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
British Gear Association - BGA Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
British Safety Council - BSC Institute / society United Kingdom
Brobot Petroleum Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Brogan Oils Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Brugarolas S.A. Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Spain
Bucher AG Langenthal Motorex-Schmiertechnik Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Cad-Oil SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Calder Oils Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Caldo Oils Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Car Oil SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Belgium
Car Oil Sarl Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer France
Caramba Chemie GmbH & Co KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Cargo Oil AB Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Sweden
Carl Bechem France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Carl Bechem GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Carl Bechem Switzerland AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Carmant Lubrifiants Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
Castle Lubricants Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Castrol Croatia doo Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Croatia
Castrol Marine Oil GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Castrol Switzerland AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Castrol UK Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Cator SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
CBA dei Lubrificanti SpA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
CBOC Lubricants Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
CD Measurements Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
CDF Europe Assoc. goods & services Switzerland
Ceda Chemicals Ltd Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Centre for Ecolocy and Hydrology - CEH Institute / society United Kingdom
CEPSA UK Limited Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer United Kingdom
Certas Energy Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
CH Erbslöh Additive company, Additive Supplier Denmark
CH Erbslöh KG Additive company, Additive Supplier Germany
Champion Motor Oil Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Belgium
Chandlers Oil & Gas Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Chem Arrow Lubricant company United Kingdom
Chem-Trend Italy Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Italy
Chem-Trend Poland Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Poland
Chemial Spa Raw material supplier Italy
Chemisch Technische Produktions GmbH - CTP Assoc. goods & services Germany
CHEMLUBE S.A. Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Switzerland
Chemours Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Grease Manf, Lubricant company, Raw material supplier Switzerland
ChemPoint.com EMEA BV Additive company, Additive Supplier, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier Netherlands
Chemtura Europe Ltd Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Chemtura France S.A.S. Raw material supplier France
Chevron Belgium BV Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier Belgium
Chevron BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Chevron Global Lubricants Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Chevron Italia SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Chevron Oronite Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Chevron Oronite GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Chevron Oronite SAS Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers France
Chevron Phillips International N.V. Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Belgium
Chevron Texaco France SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Christian Lühmann GmbH & Co. KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Christol Grease Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Ciba France Additive company, Additive Supplier France
Ciba Geigy Additives Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Ciba Speciality CH SpA Raw material supplier Italy
Ciba Specialty Chemicals Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier Spain
Ciba Specialty Chemicals Basel Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Cie Franco Continentale des Lubrifiants - CFCL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
CIKS KFT Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Hungary
Cimcool Europe BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Cimcool Europe BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Cimcool Europe BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Cimcool Europe BV Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Cimcool Europe BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Cimcool Industrial Products BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Cimcool Industrial Products BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
Clarway Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Republic of Ireland
Climax Molybdenum UK Ltd Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Cogelsa Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Cognis Deutschland GmbH Raw material supplier Germany
Cognis France Raw material supplier France
Colub Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Comercial Arilla SL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Spain
Comline Auto Parts Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Supplier of Automotive Parts United Kingdom
Comlube SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Compagnia Italiana Lubrificanti SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Compagnie Française Eco Huile Base stock company, Re-refiner France
Compagnie Industrielle des Lubrifiants D'Aulnoye - CILA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Comptoir Commercial des Lubrifiants - CCL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Condat Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Condat Lubricantes Hispania SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Condat SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
ConocoPhillips Germany GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Germany
Controlled Lubrication Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
COPCI Raw material supplier France
Cost Oil Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Cotswold Chemicals & Lubricants Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Cougar Lubrication Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
CP Lubricants Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
CPQ Ibérica SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
CPS Fuels Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Cranfield University Higher Education Institute, Institute / society United Kingdom
Credimex AG Assoc. goods & services Switzerland
CREST Oil Products Ltd. Assoc. goods & services, Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Cromwell (Grimsby) Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Crown Oil Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
CSI Consulting Assoc. goods & services France
CTS Consulting & Trading Services di G. Bertorello & C. SaS Assoc. goods & services Italy
Curtis Systems UK Branch Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Daem Petroleum BVBA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
DAKO AG Raw material supplier Germany
Dalbera SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Dansk Olie Genbrug A/S Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Denmark
Dasilad Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
De Oliebron BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Delta Akaryakit Tikaret AS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Turkey
Delta Containers Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Delta Fluid Technology Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company
Denicol Motor Oils NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Deutsche Infineum GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Deutsche Oelfabrik Gesellschaft - DOG Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Dewulf Hedwig Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
DHL Supply Chain Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
DIC Europe GmbH/Sun Chemical Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier Germany
Dilube SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Distoms SRL Assoc. goods & services Italy
Donaldson Industrial Hydraulics Assoc. goods & services Belgium
DOPAG (UK) Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Dow Belgium BVBA Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Belgium
Dow Chemical Company Ltd Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Dow Corning Europe Raw material supplier Belgium
Dow Corning France SA Raw material supplier France
Dow Corning GmbH Raw material supplier Germany
Dow Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH Raw material supplier Germany
Dow France S.A.S Raw material supplier France
Dow Italia s.r.l Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Italy
DRAWIN Vertriebs-GmbH Raw material supplier Germany
Drumcare Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
DS Smith Packaging Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Duckhams Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Manufacturer United Kingdom
Durand Production Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Duray-Sunoco Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
E-ION Additives sa Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Eberhart Schmierstoffe AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
eChem Limited Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Eclipse Magnetics Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Equipment Manufacturer United Kingdom
ECO Italia SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Eco-Oil Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Ecostream Oy Base stock company, Re-refiner Finland
Ecostream Polska Sp zoo Base stock company, Re-refiner Poland
Ekin Kimya Tic Ltd Sti Raw material supplier Turkey
Ekolube Sro Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Czech Republic
Elaskon Sachsen GmbH & Co KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Elcometer Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
ELD bv Assoc. goods & services Netherlands
Eldons SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Greece
Electrical Oil Services Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Eleven Recruitment Assoc. goods & services, Recruitment United Kingdom
Elinoil SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Elite Oil Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Ellis & Everard plc Additive company, Additive Supplier, Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Ellol GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Emanuele Mascherpa SpA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Emissions-Reduzierungs-Concepte GmbH - ERC Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Emka Schmiertechnik GmbH Morschheuser & Kilthau Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Energy Institute Institute / society United Kingdom
Engen Petroleum UK Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Eni Benelux B.V. Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Eni SpA Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
eralytics GmbH Assoc. goods & services, Condition Monitoring Austria
Ergon Europe MEA Inc Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Belgium
Erimell AS Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Estonia
Ernest H Hill Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Ernst Eberhardt GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Ernst Meister GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Ess + Müller AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Esso Germany GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Esso Schweiz GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Esterchem Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Etablissement Migeotte Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Etablissements Mauran Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Etablissements Prate Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Eteka SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Greece
Eurol Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Eurolub Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Europack Packing & Fluid Management GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
EUROPALUB Institute / society France
Euroquemica Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Evergreen Environmental Services Ltd Base stock company, Re-refiner United Kingdom
Evonik Degussa Polska Ltd Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Poland
Evonik Oil Additives GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Evvaoil Schmierstoffe - Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Austria
exol Lubricants Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Exolum Eastham Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
ExxonMobil Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
ExxonMobil Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
ExxonMobil BusSupport Center Czechia sro Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Czech Republic
ExxonMobil Chemical Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
ExxonMobil Chemical Europe Inc Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Belgium
ExxonMobil Lubricants & Specialties Europe, division of ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemicals BVBA Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
ExxonMobil Lubricants and Specialties Europe Assoc. goods & services, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier, Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
ExxonMobil Mediterrarnea Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
F Busuttil Service Station Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Malta
f consulting Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy, Lubricants Technical adviser Belgium
Falex Tribology NV Assoc. goods & services Belgium
Feige GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
Fenco Aldridge (Barton) Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
FenS Chemicals bv Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Ferguson & Menzies Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
FCL Organisation Additive company, Additive Supplier, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Filtration Technology sro Assoc. goods & services Czech Republic
Finke Mineraloelwerk Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Denmark
Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
FIO Chemical SpA Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Italy
Fioul 83 Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
FL Lubricants GmbH Germany Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
FL Schmierstoffe GmbH Deutschland Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Austria
Flexilube Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Flotech Engineering & Compressor Parts Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Republic of Ireland
Fluid-Bag Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Storage Finland
Focus Consulting SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Romania
Ford Fuel Oils Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Fortum Oil and Gas Oy Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Finland
FRAGOL AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Franz Illmer GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
Franz Voitlander GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Fratelli Leva SpA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Friedrich Scharr KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
Frigmaires Consultancy, Equipment Manufacturer, Lubricant company, Machinery Design, Maintenance India
Fuchs Belgium NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Fuchs Europe Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Fuchs Hellas SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Fuchs Lubricantes SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Fuchs Lubricants (UK) Plc Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Fuchs Lubrifiant France Auto Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Fuchs Lubrificantes, Unip. Lda Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Portugal
Fuchs Lubrificanti SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Fuchs Lubritech (UK) Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Fuchs Lubritech GmbH Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Fuchs Oil Corp (CZ) spol sro Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Czech Republic
Fuchs Oil Corp (SK) spolsro Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Slovak Republic
Fuchs Oil Hungária KFT Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Hungary
Fuchs Petrolub AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Fuchslocher & Co. Hamburg Assoc. goods & services Germany
Fuel Trading Company Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy
Fuhrbetrieb Heinicke GmbH Entsorgungsfachbetrieb Assoc. goods & services Germany
Galp Energia Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Portugal
Gannon Oils Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
GB Lubricants Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
GB Oils Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Geiger + Co. Schmierstoff-Chemie GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
GEO Speciality Chemicals UK Ltd Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Georg Oest Mineralölwerk GmbH & Co. KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Gessert & Son Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Ginouves Georges SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Switzerland
Ginouves SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Gleaner Oils Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Glendennings (Containers) Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Global Lubricants Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
GOMA Institute / society Croatia
GOVI NV Raw material supplier Belgium
Graisse Belleville Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Granville Oil & Chemicals Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Greif UK Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Group Auto Assoc. goods & services, Trade body United Kingdom
Gruebb Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
H & P Freightways Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
H & R Chempharm (UK) Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
H + R Bellersheim GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Germany
Habot Oil Pty Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist South Africa
Hadar Lighting Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
HAFA France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
HALBR OIL Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Grease Manf, Lubricant company, Re-refiner Egypt
Handelskantoor Avia NV Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
Hans Jensen Lubricators AS Assoc. goods & services Denmark
HARAPOL AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Harrison Lubrication Engineering Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Hayley Lube Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Heinrich Klöcker GmbH & Co. KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
Heinrich Olsson KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
helcotec Chemie & Technik GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
HELIOS lubeoil KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Helsinki University of Technology Higher Education Institute, Institute / society Finland
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA (Headquarters) Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier Germany
Henkel Technologies France SAS Raw material supplier France
Henrique Fabiao, Sucrs. Lda Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Portugal
Hermann Bantleon GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Hexol Lube LTD Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Romania
Hilbert Mineralöl GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Hocem Haase Oil Chemical GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Germany
Hornett Bros & Co Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Huilerie Automobile Franco Americaine - HAFA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Huileries Saint Christophe SARL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Hydralube Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Republic of Ireland
Hygiene Institute, University of Heidelberg Higher Education Institute, Institute / society Germany
Hygienic Pigging Systems Ltd. Assoc. goods & services, Liquid Product Recovery United Kingdom
Hyperdrive Lubricants Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Hytek (GB) Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
ICERP Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
Idemitsu Lube Europe GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
IFI SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
IGOL France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
IKV Tribologie Assoc. goods & services France
Imbema Cleton B.V. Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Netherlands
IMCD Espana Espcialidades Quimicas, SA Additive company, Additive Supplier, Raw material supplier Spain
IMCD France SAS Raw material supplier France
IMCD Group BV Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Netherlands
IMCD Italy Additive company, Additive Supplier, Raw material supplier Italy
IMCD South East Europe GmbH Additive Supplier, Assoc. goods & services, Base stock company, Raw material supplier Austria
IMCD Sweden AB Additive company, Additive Supplier, Raw material supplier Sweden
IMCD UK Limited Additive company, Additive Supplier United Kingdom
Impar SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
INA Industrija Nafte DD Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Croatia
Indastrial Support Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Ukraine
Ineos France SAS Raw material supplier France
Ineos Services Belgium NV Raw material supplier Belgium
Infineum France SAS Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers France
Infineum Iberia, SA Additive company, Additive Supplier Spain
Infineumi Italia SRL Additive company, Additive Supplier Italy
Ingevity Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier United States
Inland Europe Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Innov Oil Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier Republic of Ireland
InS Services Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Institute of Chemistry Institute / society Lithuania
Institute of Metal Finishing Institute / society United Kingdom
Institute of Physical Electronics Institute / society Lithuania
Institute of Plant Engineers Institute / society United Kingdom
Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institute / society United Kingdom
Instituto dei Polymeri Donegani Institute / society Italy
Intellube Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy United Kingdom
Interflon bv Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Interflon UK Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
International Bulk Liquids Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
International Bunkering GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
Intertek Institute / society United Kingdom
Intertek Caleb Brett Schweiz AG Assoc. goods & services Switzerland
Intertek Clinical Research Services Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Intertek Fuels and Lubricants Institute / society United Kingdom
Intertek Transportation Technologies Assoc. goods & services, Institute / society United Kingdom
INUSTRY Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Albania
Ironsides Lubricants Limited Grease Manf, Lubricant company United Kingdom
ISP (International Speciality Products) Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier France
Italmatch Chemicals GB Ltd Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Italmatch Chemicals Spa Raw material supplier Italy
ITELYUM REGENERATION SRL Base stock company, Re-refiner Italy
ITS Testing Services (UK) Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
IVAM Uva BV Institute / society Netherlands
J1 Technologies Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Jacksons Transport (West Riding) Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Janex SA Raw material supplier Switzerland
Jarmac Limited Raw material supplier United Kingdom
JARRON UK Assoc. goods & services, Oil Recovery United Kingdom
JAX Inc. Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United States
Jedlicze Petroleum Refinery Base stock company, Re-refiner Poland
Jemtech (UK) Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Jet-Lube (UK) Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
John Clayden Lubricants Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
John Hogg Technical Solutions Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Dye Manufacturer United Kingdom
Jokisch GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Jong BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
JS Oil Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
Julius Hoesch GmbH & Co KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
K&E Petroleum Consulting Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy United States
K+N Efthymiadis SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Greece
Kaaserer EVB Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Kade Oil GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
KAJO Lubricant-Technik GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
KAJO Lubricants Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Austria
KAJO Lubrifiants SARL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Kallik Ltd Artwork, Assoc. goods & services, Labelling United Kingdom
Kappaoil Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Albania
Karberg & Hennemann SRL Assoc. goods & services Italy
Kaunas University of Technology Higher Education Institute, Institute / society Lithuania
Keddell & Bommen AS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Norway
KEMAT BELGIUM POLYBUTENES Additive company, Additive Supplier, Assoc. goods & services, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Freight, Logistics, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Manufacturer, Lubricant Stockist, Lubricants Technical adviser, Packaging, Raw material supplier, Storage Belgium
Kemipex Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier United Arab Emirates
Ken Rooms Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Kernow Oils Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
King Industries Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Netherlands
Kingfisher (Lubrication) Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Kittiwake Developments Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Kline Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy United Kingdom
Klüber Lubrication Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Klüber Lubrication Austria Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Austria
Klüber Lubrication Benelux SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Klüber Lubrication France SAS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Klüber Lubrication Great Britain Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Klüber Lubrication München KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Klüber Lubrication Skandinavien AS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Denmark
Klüber Lubrication Skandinavien AS Filial Finland Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Finland
Klüber Lubrication SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Knauber Mineralöl GmbH & Co KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Koehler Instrument Company Inc. Assoc. goods & services, Condition Monitoring, Testing United States
KRAFFT SL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Krahn Chemie GmbH Additive company, Additive Supplier, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist, Raw material supplier Germany
Krahn UK Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier United Kingdom
Kroon-Oil BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Küng AG Bern Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
L & T Recoil Assoc. goods & services Finland
La Petrolifera Italo Assoc. goods & services Italy
Laboratoire Jeffa Assoc. goods & services France
Lake Chemicals & Minerals Limited Additive company, Additive Supplier United Kingdom
LANXESS AG Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
LAPS (UK) LLP Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Lavollée Chimie Additive company, Additive Supplier France
LD Lubricating Dutchman GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Lehvoss UK Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Leprinxol GmbH Germany
Leroux & Lotz Industry Assoc. goods & services, Equipment Manufacturer France
Les Ailes Direct Lubrifiants Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Letang-Baudoux Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
LEVADA OIL Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Ukraine
Lincol Oil Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Lincoln Industrial Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Linton Fuel Oils Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Linus Projects Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Assoc. goods & services, Equipment Manufacturer, Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company India
Liqui Moly France SA Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers France
Liqui Moly GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Lithuanian Energy Institute Institute / society Lithuania
Lithuanian University of Agriculture Higher Education Institute, Institute / society Lithuania
LLK Finland Oy Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Finland
LLK-NAFTAN Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belarus
London Lubricants Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Losimol GmbH Hannover Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Lotos Oil SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
LPC S.A. Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Lubepack Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Lubes Service Europe GmbH & Co KG - LSE Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Lubexpert Romania Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Romania
LUBOIL-Distribuidor de Lubrificantes, Lda Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Portugal
LUBOT Schmierstoff - und Prozesstechnik GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Austria
Lubretec bvba Assoc. goods & services Belgium
Lubricant Distribution Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Lubricant Rom SRL Ploiesti Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Romania
Lubricant SK, sro Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Slovak Republic
Lubricant SRT Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Czech Republic
Lubricantes Y Derivados del Petroleo SL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Spain
Lubrication Engineers (UK) Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Lubrication Engineers Germany GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Lubrication Technology Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Lubrilog SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Lubrisolve Engineering Solutions Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Lubrita International Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Lithuania
Lubritalia SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Lubritech SPRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
Lubritrial Assoc. goods & services Portugal
Lubrix SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
Lubrizol Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Austria
Lubrizol Deutschland GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Lubrizol France Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers France
Lubrizol Industrial Additives Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Belgium
Lubrizol Industrial Additives Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Hungary
Lubrizol Industrial Additives Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Spain
Lubrizol Italiana SPA Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Italy
Lubrizol Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Lubrizol SA Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Belgium
Lubrogamma 2000 SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Lubzone APS Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Denmark
Lukoil Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
LUKOIL Lubricants Europe Oy Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Austria
Lukoil Romania SRL Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
Lulea University of Technology Higher Education Institute, Institute / society Sweden
MacDermid France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
MacDermid Italiana Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
MacDermid Plc Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Mackenzie Stuart Assoc. goods & services, Recruitment United Kingdom
Magenta Chemicals Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Maier & Korduletsch Energie GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Mako-Lube Lubricant Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Manfred Mayer Mineralol Vertriebsgesellschaft MBH - MMM Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Austria
Marquard & Bahls AG Assoc. goods & services Germany
Marti & Co. AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Mavom BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Mavom nv Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Maxlube di Castelli Massimo Raw material supplier Italy
Maxol Lubricants Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Republic of Ireland
Maziva - Zagreb Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Croatia
Meade-King Robinson & Co Ltd - MKR Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Meguin GMBH & Co. KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Meinken Engineering GmbH & Co. KG Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy, Engineering, Machinery Design Germany
MELCO PETROLEUM S.A Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company
MELROB Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Mentum Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Estonia
Metadynea Trading S.A. Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Raw material supplier Switzerland
Metalforming Machinery Makers' Association - MMMA Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Metall-Chemie GmbH & Co. KG Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Metalube Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Meyer & Cie AG AH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Microbial Solutions Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Millers Oils Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Minera Kraftstoffe - Mineralölwerk Rempel GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Minerolia SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Minerva Oil Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
MKU-Chemie GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
ML Lubrication GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
MMCC Microchem France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Mobacc BV Assoc. goods & services Netherlands
Mobil Oil Poland Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
Mogoil GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Germany
MOL Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Hungary
Mol Romania Petroleum Products SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
MOL-LUB LTD Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Hungary
Möllenberg & Sunday Lubrication Technology Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Molydal Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Molyslip Atlantic Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Moove Lubricants Europe Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Morris Hellas SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Morris Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Motaquip Assoc. goods & services, Supplier of Automotive Parts United Kingdom
Motor Oil Hellas - MOH Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Motorex AG Langenthal Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Motul Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Motul Italia SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
MP Storage & Blending Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
MPM Oils Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Netherlands
Multisol Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Naftochem Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
Nalco France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Nalco Netherlands Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Nanol Technologies AB Oy Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Finland
National Lube Oils Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Republic of Ireland
Natoil AG Raw material supplier Switzerland
Nator Lubrication (Shanghai) Company Ltd. Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company China
Nelson Bros. Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United States
Neste Oil Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Finland
New Process AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
NiMAC Deutschland GmbH Additive company, Additive Supplier Germany
NiMAC Ltd Additive company, Additive Supplier United Kingdom
Nippon Oil Europe Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Noaloil SpA Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Italy
Noord Natie Terminals NV Assoc. goods & services Belgium
Nordtank GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
North Refinery (Refining & Trading Holland BV) Base stock company, Re-refiner Netherlands
Northern Oil Co Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Northern Oils Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Nova StilmOil SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Novance SAS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Novonol GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Nuova Univers SRL Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Nuspec Oil Ltd. Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer United Kingdom
NV Vroman Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
NYCO Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Nynas AB Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Sweden
Nynas GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Germany
Nynas Naphthenics AB Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Belgium
Nynas Naphthenics Limited Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer United Kingdom
Nynas Petroleo SA Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Spain
Nynas SA Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer France
Nynas SRL Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Italy
Nynas Technol Handels GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Austria
Oakwood Environmental Services Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
OAMPS Hazardous Industries Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
OATS Data Solutions Assoc. goods & services, Data Services United Kingdom
Oel-Brack AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Oel-Held (UK) Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Oel-Held GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Oelcheck GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
Oemeta (UK) Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Oemeta Chemische Werke GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Oemeta Polska Sp. zoo Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
Oil Inventions Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Oil Recoveries Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Oil Refinery Beograd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Serbia
Oil Salvage Ltd Re-refiner United Kingdom
Oil Service Roels BVBA Assoc. goods & services Belgium
Oilfree Lubricants Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Oiline Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Oilswell Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
OK a.m.b.a Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Denmark
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Olenol Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Oleon NV Raw material supplier Belgium
Oleon UK Ltd Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Oleotecnica SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Oleothechnique Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Olma DD Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Slovenia
Olyslager Organisation BV Assoc. goods & services, Data Services Netherlands
OMV Česká republika, s.r.o. Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Czech Republic
OMV GmbH Germany Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Austria
ONK Van Hertum BVB Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Belgium
Online Lubricants Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Onnyyxx Petrochem Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier, Assoc. goods & services, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Raw material supplier India
Opet Petrolculuk Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Turkey
Opie Oils Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Marketer, Retailer United Kingdom
OPM (Labels and Packaging) Group Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Optimol France Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Optimol Tribotechnik SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Optimum Oils Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Orapi Ltd Assoc. goods & services France
Orlandi Lubrificanti SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Orlen Germany GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Orlen Oil Sp zoo Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
Oscar Lubricants LLC Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Arab Emirates
Osilub s.a. c/o Sarp Industries Base stock company, Re-refiner France
Österreichischen Tribologischen Gesellschaft - OETG Institute / society Austria
Osterwalder St Gallen AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Osterwalder Zürich AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Otto Fricke & Co. GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
OXEA GmbH Base Stock Manufacturer, Raw material supplier Germany
Oxy-Wax Limited Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Oy Pinifer Ltd Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Finland
P Wilkinson Containers Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
pack2pack Assoc. goods & services Belgium
Pakelo Motor Oil SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Pall Corporation Assoc. goods & services France
Pall Corporation Assoc. goods & services Italy
Panava Automotive Services Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Cyprus
Panolin AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Paramo, as Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Czech Republic
Pathmaster Marketing Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy, Training United Kingdom
Patting Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Croatia
Pemco Additives AB Additive company, Additive Supplier Sweden
Pennine Lubricants Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Penrite Oil Company Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
PENTAS FLORA SDN. BHD. Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier, Re-refiner Malaysia
Peter Eggers GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Peter Fante GmbH Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Petro-Canada Europe Lubricants Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Petro-Canada Lubricants Europe Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Petrochem Carless Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Raw material supplier Belgium
Petrochem Carless Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Petrochem Services Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Petrofer Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Petrofer Chemie HR Fischer GmbH & Co KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Petrofer Chemie HR Fischer GmbH & Co KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Petrofer Schweiz AG Raw material supplier Switzerland
Petrofer UK Plc Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Petrogal Espanola Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Petrol Ofisi AS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Turkey
Petronas Lubricants Belgium N.V Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Petronas Lubricants Belgium NV Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Petronas Lubricants France SAS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Petronas Lubricants Great Britain Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Petronas Lubricants Italy SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Petronas Lubricants Spain, S.L.U Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Petrus SA Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Belgium
Pfister et Cie Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Pflipsen GmbH & Co KG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Germany
Philippe Lubrifiants SARL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Plant Lubrication (NI) Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
PLI (Netherlands) BV Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer Netherlands
Pointer Executive Assoc. goods & services, Recruitment United Kingdom
POLAT MAKİ NA SAN ve TIC. A.Ş Assoc. goods & services, Centrifugal Separators, Decanter Centrifuges Turkey
Power Oil NV Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Belgium
Premium Lubricants Romania SRL – (BP Group, Castrol, Aral) Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Romania
Preventative Maintenance Lubricants - PML Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
PRIME OIL FZE Additive company, Additive Supplier, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier United Arab Emirates
Prista Oil Assoc. goods & services, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Bulgaria
Production Lubricants Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Productos Delta SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Productos Salinas, S.A. Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Spain
Produits Chimiques Auxiliaires et de Synthese - PCAS Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers France
Prolife Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Ukraine
Puralube Holding GmbH Base stock company, Re-refiner Germany
Putoline Distribution Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Q8 Oils France SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Q8 Oils International Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Q8 Oils International Lubricants (UK) Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Q8 Oils International Lubricants, Deutschland Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Q8 Oils Research & Technology BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Q8 Oils Research & Technology BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Quimberica SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Spain
QUIVACOLOR S.L.-IBEROIL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Raffineria di Roma Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Raffineries Imperator Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
RAM Oil SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Ramsden and Whale Limited Assoc. goods & services, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier United Kingdom
Ramsden Steel Drum Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier United Kingdom
Rapak Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Raziol Zibulla & Sohn GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Refinery Maribor Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Slovenia
Reggiani Petroli SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Reinhardoil.dk ApS Additive company, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier, Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Manufacturer, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Denmark
REKTOL GmbH & Co. KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
Remploy Automotive Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Renox SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Repsol YPF Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Resca Vincenzo & C. SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Revoil SA Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Greece
Revol Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Revolution Oil Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Reynolds Logistics Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Reynolds Logistics Ltd Assoc. goods & services Republic of Ireland
Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Rhein Schmierstoffe GmbH Additive Supplier, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Marketer Germany
Rhenus Lub Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Rhenus Lub GmbH & Co KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Rhenus Lub Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Rhodia Polska Sp zoo Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Poland
Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy, Risk Management United Kingdom
Richards Apex Europe Lubricant company United Kingdom
Rijken Trading Company Belgium NV - RTCB Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
RILUB SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
RLM Packaging Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Rock Oil Company Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Rocol Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
RODS UK Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Rohmax France SAS Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers France
Romanian Star Refinery Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
Rondot SAS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Ronseal Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Rotech Assoc. goods & services Republic of Ireland
ROYSE LUBRICANTES Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Spain
RS Clare & Co Limited Grease Manf, Lubricant company United Kingdom
RS200 Motor Oil Papantonioy SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Rymax Lubricants Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Additive Supplier, Assoc. goods & services, Base Stock Supplier, Consultancy, Lubricant company, Lubricant Manufacturer, Lubricant Marketer, Trade body, Training Netherlands
Rymco Lubricants bv Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier, Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Netherlands
Rzeszow University of Technology Higher Education Institute, Institute / society Poland
Sadaps Bardahl Corporation SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Sakson AEVE Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Greece
Samoa Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
SAR Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Sarol Lubricants Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Sasol Italy SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Sasol Wax GmbH Raw material supplier Germany
Schaaff & Meurer GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Schätzle AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Schill & Seilacher Struktol Aktiengesell-Schaft Raw material supplier Germany
Schroeder KG Schmierstofftechnik Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Schulke & Mayr GmbH Special Additives Int. Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Schülke UK Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Schweizerhall Chemie AG Raw material supplier Switzerland
Sea-Land Chemical Europe Ltd Additive company, Additive Supplier, Assoc. goods & services, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier United Kingdom
Sener Grupo de Ingenieria SA Assoc. goods & services Spain
Seqens Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers France
Servoll Lubricants (NI) Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Setral Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Setral Chemie GmbH Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
SGS Vernolab Assoc. goods & services France
SGS Vernolab UK Limited Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Shamrock Shipping And Trading Limited Assoc. goods & services, Base Stock Supplier, Raw material supplier Cyprus
Shell Global Solutions Assoc. goods & services Germany
Shell Global Solutions Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Shell Global Solutions International BV Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Shell International Petroleum Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Shell Italia SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Shell Lubricant Solutions Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Manufacturer, Lubricant Stockist, Testing United Kingdom
Shell Lubricants Switzerland AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Shell Oil Germany GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Shell Spain Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Shell UK OIl Products Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Shrieve Products International Limited Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
SIGAUS Assoc. goods & services, Non-profit organisation, Packaging, Waste Oil Management Spain
Sigma Distributie SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Romania
Silgo Lubricants Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Sima Geremiah SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Sint-Oil Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Hungary
Sintética, Limitada Additive company, Additive Supplier, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Portugal
Sipoil Company SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Sistema Integrado De Gestión De Aceites Usados Assoc. goods & services, Packaging, Waste Oil Management Spain
SJK Marketing Services Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy United Kingdom
SK Lubricant Amsterdam Office Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer United Kingdom
SLI – Soc. Internaz. Lubrif. SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Slider SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Slovnaft AS Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Slovak Republic
SO.G.I.S. Industria Chimica S.p.A. Raw material supplier Italy
Société Normande de Lubrifiants - SONOLUB Assoc. goods & services France
Society for Chemical Industry Institute / society United Kingdom
Society of Maritime Industries Institute / society United Kingdom
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers - STLE Institute / society United States
Socotec ESG Ltd Assoc. goods & services, Condition Monitoring
Sogelub SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Solar Petroleum Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Solero AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Switzerland
Solventis Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Songwon Management AG Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Switzerland
Sonneborn Refined Products BV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Southern Lubricants Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Sovereign Lubricants (UK) Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Spectro Oil AG Assoc. goods & services Switzerland
Spectrolab International SA Assoc. goods & services, Commercial Laboratory Tunisia
Sprint Lubricant Services Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Squire A Radcliffe Ltd Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Standic Assoc. goods & services Netherlands
Star Oil BVBA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Starke & Sohn GmbH Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Re-refiner Germany
Statoil Ireland Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Republic of Ireland
Statoil Latvija SIA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Latvia
Statoil Lubricants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Sweden
Statoil Poland Sp zoo Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
Steel Fluid SRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Storimpex GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
Strub & Co AG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Südöl Mineralöl - Raffinerie GmbH Base stock company, Re-refiner Germany
Sun Oil Espana Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Superblend Lubricants Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Susanne Müller Mineralöle e.K. Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Germany
SWD Lubricants GmbH & Co KG Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Syneco SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
Taminco NV Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Belgium
Tamoil Distribution SA Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier Switzerland
Tamoil SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
Tank Line GmbH Assoc. goods & services Germany
Tata Steel Strip Products UK Assoc. goods & services, Metalworking United Kingdom
TBG Bantleon Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Monaco
TD Lubrifiants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
TEC Industries Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Technical Equipment Ltd Assoc. goods & services Republic of Ireland
Techniques et Technologies Appliquees - TTA Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist France
Technische Academie Esslingen - TAE Institute / society Germany
Technol Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Packaging, Sales Azerbaijan
Technolube Lubricating Systems Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Technomag AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Tecnolub SPRL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Tedex SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Manufacturer United Kingdom
TEFIL SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Greece
Teklube Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Tekniker Institute / society Spain
Tessitore Lubrificanti SRL Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Italy
Tetrosyl Group Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer United Kingdom
Texaco Deutschland GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Texaco Lubricants Polska Sp zoo Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Poland
Thames Lubricants Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
The Lubricant Company Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
The Race Group Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Supply Company Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist Libya
Thommen-Furler AG Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Switzerland
Top Oils Additive company, Additive Supplier, Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
TotalEnergies Belgium NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
TotalEnergies Germany GmbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
TotalEnergies Italia SpA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Italy
TotalEnergies Lubrifiants Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
TotalEnergies Lubrifin Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Romania
TotalEnergies Suisse SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Switzerland
TotalEnergies UK Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
Trachem Limited Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Tractor Oils & Hydraulics Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Republic of Ireland
Transnational Blenders BV - TNB Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Trent Oil Lubricants Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Trevor Gauntlett Consulting Assoc. goods & services, Consultancy United Kingdom
Tri-Flow Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
TriboTec AB Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Sweden
Triplex-industrie mineraloelgesellschaft mbH Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
Trizner Lubricant company, Lubricant Stockist Hungary
Troy Chemie GmbH Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Troy UK Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
TW Oils Assoc. goods & services, Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
UAB Rapsoila Raw material supplier Lithuania
UE Systems Europe B.V. Assoc. goods & services Netherlands
UM Group Ltd Assoc. goods & services United Kingdom
Unichem Services Pty Limited Additive company, Additive Supplier, Base stock company, Base Stock Supplier South Africa
Unil Lubricants NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Unil Opal Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Unimot Express Ltd Assoc. goods & services Greece
Unimot Express Sp Assoc. goods & services Poland
Unitech Lubricants Ltd Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Germany
United Color Manufacturing, Inc. Raw material supplier France
United Molasses Storage Ltd Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
United Oil Products Limited Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company United Kingdom
United Oils Base Stock Supplier, Lubricant Blender, Raw material supplier Latvia
Univar AG Raw material supplier Switzerland
Univar UK Raw material supplier United Kingdom
University of Bath Higher Education Institute, Institute / society United Kingdom
University of Mining and Metallurgy Higher Education Institute, Institute / society Poland
University of Warwick Higher Education Institute, Institute / society United Kingdom
Usocore France SARL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company France
Usocore NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Valbih Biol Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Bosnia and Herzegovina
Valpercán SL Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Spain
Valtec Commercial Romania (Valvoline) Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer Romania
Valvoline Belgium Div. Ashland Belgium SA Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Valvoline Benelux Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Netherlands
Valvoline Lubrifiants LCN Importateur Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer France
Valvoline Oil Company Lubricant company, Lubricant Marketer, Lubricant Stockist United Kingdom
Van Meeuwen Special Lubricants NV Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium
Vanderbilt Worldwide Limited Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers United Kingdom
Vanderbilt Worldwide Ltd - Germany Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Germany
Vanderbilt Worldwide Ltd - Netherlands Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers Netherlands
VBASE Oil Company Additive company, Additive Manufacturers/Suppliers, Base stock company, Base Stock Manufacturer, Raw material supplier United States
VDV Lubricants NV Grease Manf, Lubricant Blender, Lubricant company Belgium