The Buyer Revolution status report. How the research impacts you and what you can do about it!

“Buyer behaviour in the sales process is changing.
According to a recent McKinsey report, the consumerisation of the B2B sales process is complete. Buyers want an omnichannel experience backed by personalisation and delivered through a mix of traditional, hybrid and online channels.

Previously sellers would have been approached once a need had been identified. Today, the buyer could have identified a need, undertaken their own research on you and your competitors, shortlisted some companies, identified some suitable products and even trialled or tested these using digital channels even before they pick up the phone or send an email.

Lube magazine, with the support of UKLA, has partnered with Plan.Grow.Do. to better understand this new omnichannel, personalised and digitised sales process, the impact on buyers and sellers, and how companies can become more aware of the changing dynamic to adapt their sales processes to make the most of the opportunities in the fast changing and evolving lubricants market.

We would encourage you to take part in these short surveys for which participants will receive an anonymised and aggregated summary report on the responses.” – David Wright, Director General, UKLA